Thursday, August 7, 2008

Million Dollar Listing 2: I Wonder If I'm the Only One Who Watches This Show

Bravo, O' how I love thee! They have just come out with season two of Million Dollar Listing, which for anybody who has never seen the first season, is a show about selling real estate in LA. It's a cutthroat, glamorous world filled with: palatial mansions overlooking the city, greed, competitive bitchiness, lots of ego, and a shitload of potential money to be made in commissions. Last season, focused on a bunch of seasoned real estate brokers selling houses that range from under a million all the way to the 75 million dollar mark. Ridiculous, I know.

This season is taking a slightly younger, hipper view of the real estate game by featuring three guys, all under the age of 30. There's Chad Rogers(my favorite), Josh Flagg, and Madison Hildenbrand. They are over-the-top characters who strut around in the trendies clothes, sunglasses, and hairstyles; they are the epitome of the metrosexual, multiplied by 1000.

Out of all of them, I like Chad the best. At first glance, you just want to write him off as a hipster douchebag, but the more you see him interact with people, you start to like him. He's 30 years-old, but he looks about twelve. And, for some reason unbeknownst to me, he wears his hair combed forward like a mushroom kind of like Tootie from The Facts of Life crossed with The Ramones. Is this how the kids are wearing their hair nowadays? (I say, as I sit in my rocking chair doing needlepoint.) Whatevs, Chad is adorable, and he seems to worship his little girlfriend. How can I not like a guy who is sweet to his girlfriend?!

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