Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I've Come to the Conclusion...

That most apartment owners are total fucking morons. J and I have been posting several ads on Craigslist about twice a week. The only responses we got were from complete idiots. Take for example the woman who had a condo she wanted to rent, but she never got back to me, even though I e-mailed her twice and talked to her husband (he said it was still available). Then, there were the people who would e-mail me one sentence: "I have a great apartment in (fill in the blank)." Okay, that's awesome and all, but I forgot my crystal ball at home - so you need to tell me a little more than where it's located.

There was one crazy woman who responded to my ad by telling me that her apartment was like being in the country and there were a lot of birds. Great, will those birds be flying me to work by any chance because I'm looking to know how close this place is to public transportation, not how many Tufted Titmouses land in the birdbath! I e-mailed this woman twice asking how much rent was, and every response was vaguer than the next. Her last one was: "You have a cat, right?" I imagine she'd be a great landlord. I would call her because the pipes had burst, and cluelessly she would ask me who I was and where did I live, and if I had seen the Goldfinches this season. This is the reason why we have decided to go through a realtor. And, that's another rant altogether.


Liz Stone Abraham said...

I am sooooo sorry that you are going through this. And that I am laughing at your post. I really have tried to block out most of my apartment hunting days. Did I mention the Lower East Side apartment with the tub in the kitchen? I might even have gone for it since it was cheap, but I had male roommates! Can you imagine hanging out in the tub while your friends cook dinner? And the realtor had either forgotten to mention the tub or didn't think it was a big deal. Good luck. There's an apartment out there with your name on it.

Colette said...

I love that story about the tub in the kitchen. You should totally write about that some day. It's hilarious.

The things people will try to rent.