Friday, July 25, 2008

Red Sonja: The Movie Posters

Robert Rodriguez is re-making Red Sonja, the campy 1980's warrior movie, starring Brigitte Nielsen as the buxom red-headed female version of Conan the Barbarian. Yeah, it sounds about as good as it was. So, why in God's name is there a need for a remake?! This time Red Sonja is played by the curvaceous Rose McGowan. On a side note: when I was a little girl, I totally wanted Brigitte's Red Sonja mullet. I thought that look rocked.

This poster is cool.

This one, not so much. The whole licking the blood off of the blade is repulsive. This falls under the title: Trying too hard to be sexually suggestive. Yeah, we get it. The blade is a phallus. This poster is definitely geared towards guys who get turned on by looking at scantily clad comic book chicks. Not to mention, she looks like a tranny. What's going on with her hair?? The whole thing is terrible. Ick.

1 comment:

Liz Stone Abraham said...

Ewww! WTF? Who designed that poster, a 16-year-old boy?