Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So You Think You Can Dance

The new episode of So You Think You Can Dance is on Fox tonight. I absolutely love the show. I DVR it and then wait for J to fall asleep, so I can watch it. He's not really a fan of SYTYCD; he's more of a Step It Up and Dance kinda guy. My favorite couples right now are Kherrington and Twitch, Joshua and Katee, and Mark and Chelsie. What's up with the spelling of everybody's name on this show??!! There are i's where there shouldn't be i's and silent h's. Who names their kid Thayne or Kourtni!?? Kherrington and Twitch were absolutely breathtaking as they danced the Viennese Waltz, a routine specially made as a gift to the choreographers' physically disabled daughter. Joshua and Katee were energetic and fun in their Broadway routine. And Mark and Chelsie tore up the stage as they danced a steamy and sensual Argentine tango. I'm curious to see how the couples do tonight.

Mark and Chelsie Argentine Tango:

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