Friday, October 26, 2007

Step Away From Each Other, You're Grossing Everybody Out

I have a huge problem with couples who show too much public display of affection or PDA. Stop it! I'm just trying to take the subway. I don't need to see you and your boring boyfriend holding hands and kissing at 8:30 in the morning during the rush hour commute. I understand you're in love, but can't you curtail your adoration for each other until you get off at the next stop? Are you guys that head over heels with each other that even a moment without touching each other feels like an eternity? My guy and I always get a big kick out of these people because for a short time when we lived together in my old apartment, we would drive to the subway station together, and then take the train to downtown. Although it was for just a couple of months at the most, we were completely miserable.

You see I am a night person, and he is the quintessential morning person. He loves the morning and getting up early and all the wonderful things that go with it, like watching the news and making breakfast. However, I love going to bed late and sleeping until the very last second when I have to get up or else I will be late for work. So, I had to get up at the ass crack of dawn and shower before my roommate (yes, I lived with my roommate and my boyfriend) would hop in the shower for one of her HOUR long showers. I was tired and cranky, and my boyfriend would wait patiently for me to get ready, so we could drive to the train station together. The other option was for me to take the bus to the station, but I loathe the bus. Most mornings, we would barely talk to each other on the subway, nevermind kiss and caress one another. However, we would give each other a quick good-bye peck when he got off his stop, but it was usually really awkward; it's hard to feel at ease when you're in a crowded subway where everybody is staring at your pathetic attempt at affection. If you're looking for a stolen moment with each other, this is not the place to find it. So, now every time we see some commuting couple holding hands or running their hands through each other's hair while they stare lovingly into each other's eyes, we get the biggest kick out of it because we know we were never that couple, nor would we ever want to be that couple.


Anonymous said...

I don't really agree with this at all. The fun part about falling in love with someone is the beginning when you CAN'T keep your hands off one another. While I do agree that there is a time and place for certain things, kissing and holding hands are innocent enough.

And another thing: you said your good-bye pecks were awkward because people were watching. Why do you care what people think? Most people are more concerned with themselves anyway. And besides, it's just a peck! With the man you love! It's not like a teenage tongue thrashing.

I really do enjoy reading your thoughts on here. I just had to comment because, while I may not partake in PDA all the time, far be it from me to deny others the fun.

OurKookyLife said...

PDA comes on so many levels, you don't have to be all out there but a hug or holding hands is not that bad. Hubby and i have been together for 2 and a half years so far and we hug each other waiting in line at the grocery store. If i want a little kiss i'm gonna take it regardless of who's watching. I lived for so long in a country (Lebanon) where you have to tip toe around people and family being careful not to offend this person or that. It's such a nice break to live in a country (USA) where you can express your emotions in public without worrying what other people are gonna think. Whatever makes you happy you know?!!!!