Tuesday, December 2, 2008

3 Beautiful Women, 3 Terrible Outfits

This picture confuses me. How did three of the most beautiful women on the planet choose such bad outfits and then pose together? It's like the perfect storm of awful fashion choices. Penelope Cruz looks as if she threw on a potato sack and then grabbed some fancy tights and gold heels to pull the look together. Scarlett Johannson's outfit looks like she raided somebody's mother's closet and stole her evening wear. Those are the type of pants you put on, and think "Oh God, I feel so fat right now." Everybody feels fat in those pants. High-waisted and peg-legged is NEVER good. Eva Mendes is the least of the fashion disasters, but how many times have we seen this look? It's a dress you would find at Macy's. It's good for going to your nephew's baptism or attending mass on Easter Sunday.


MommyHeadache said...

you are so right
I hope they fired their stylists!

Anonymous said...

DUDE! I kept staring at the picture trying to figure out who that was rep'ing Idaho in that burlap potato sack! I had no idea it was my beloved Penny Cruz! SAY IT ISN'T SO, PENNY!!! SAY IT ISN'T SOOOooo...

Colette said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks these women got dressed in a dark room without mirrors.