Thursday, July 31, 2008

Measure the Stupidity

I received a message from the old realtor last night around 8:30pm, asking if J and I were moving out early because the new tenants were hoping to move in early and if we wouldn't mind if the new tenants came over this Saturday and took measurements. J and I were less than pleased about the situation. I understand they would like to move in early because they're really excited about living there. That's fine. We are not moving out early, but there was no harm in asking. However, asking to go back into our apartment and take measurements is something I would never ask to do - ever. It's fucking rude. Yeah, I understand you're really psyched to be moving into our shoebox-sized fourth floor walk-up with the BFI truck in the alley that wakes us up every morning at 7:30 even on weekends and holidays, but take a chill pill. We have one more month there, and we just want to be left alone. We don't want two strangers coming into our place and taking measurements. The place is small; if you have furniture, then cut those pieces in half because they probably won't fit through the door. I e-mailed the realtor and told him that if they want to take measurements a week before, then fine. If they need measurements before, then I will measure the place for them. Fucking idiots. I would love to tell these people to look up the word "imposition" in the dictionary, and then get back to me. If you want measurements, wait until you actually move into the place and take them yourselves.


Liz Stone Abraham said...

Yeah, that's annoying. I'm glad that you told them to hold off. You're still paying for the place.

Have you seen any promising apartments yet?

Anonymous said...

Chubbs, you go measure apartment or you get no #9 tonight!

Colette said...

Hey Liz,

We actually found a great apartment with the help of my good friend who is a real estate agent. We signed the lease yesterday ;-)