Saturday, October 13, 2007

If I Tell You I Like You, Will You Leave Me Alone?

How many times have you and your girlfriends been out at a bar, club, or a party, and you meet a guy who won't leave you alone? When you first meet him, he seems okay, but as the night progresses he becomes really annoying. He won't leave you alone. He thinks just because he's bought you a drink and talked to you for 20 minutes, you owe him your undivided attention for the night. You walk to the bathroom, and he's right behind you. You follow your girlfriends onto the dance floor, and he's trying to grab your hand. This guy won't let up. You just want to scream at the guy, "LEAVE ME ALONE!" However, you usually don't because he's such a sad soul. He's not a bad guy. He's just really clingy; he reeks of desperation. You feel bad for him. However, you're dying to get rid of him. So, how do you get this guy to scram without really offending him? Lie your ass off. Here are some great lies to get this poor sap to finally leave you alone:

1) "I'd love to hang out with you, but one of my girlfriends just broke up with her boyfriend, and I told her I would spend time with her."
2) "My boyfriend is meeting me here tonight."
3) "I'm not feeling well. I think I'm going to leave soon."
4) "I just broke up with my boyfriend, and I'm not ready to date anybody."
5) "I'm gay."

And, if all else fails, "I have a sexually transmitted disease" works well too. If you really feel as if you need to be honest with him, then try to let him down as easy as possible. A simple "I'm not interested" is always a good way of getting him to walk the other way.

Your night is your night. Don't feel as if you should talk or hang out with this guy because you don't want to hurt his feelings. The sooner you tell him to scram, the sooner you can meet other guys. Remember, you have to meet a lot of frogs before you meet your prince ;-)

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