Friday, September 26, 2008

This Week Felt Like Two

Work has been crazy busy. I can barely find time to write for BitchBuzz, nevermind this blog. I'm so tired when I get home lately that I just plop down on the couch and melt into the cushions. My body is worn out. My mind is exhausted. I love my job, but this week killed me. I'm so happy that it's finally Friday. I can finally breathe, write in my beloved blog (which by the way has been getting a lot of hits), and spend some quality time with my guy.

It's supposed to rain this weekend, so we're going to the movies tomorrow. We're seeing Choke. I read the book this past year, and I loved it. I'm really looking forward to grabbing some hot, buttery popcorn and watching it with J. It's going to be a lazy day tomorrow, and I can't wait. I feel like I didn't spend much quality time with him. He goes to bed early, and we only have a couple hours on the weeknights to see each other. I'm a night owl, and he's an early bird. We're total opposites, but somehow we make it work.

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