Saturday, September 13, 2008

Jackie Blue is the Worst

There's a new show on VH1 called Glam God, and it's basically a bunch of people who are competing to be the next big celebrity stylist. There's one guy named Joachim who is permanently shit-faced. I want to walk up to him and say, "Uhh, I think you're on the wrong show. The auditions for Intervention are that way." He drinks morning, noon, and night, and he's a total asshole who's in major denial about his problem. If that's not bad enough, he has an alter ego (yuck) named "Jackie Blue". Jackie Blue is gross, extremely intoxicated, sloppy, disheveled, and looks like a hooker from Hunt's Point. This is a clip featuring Joachim incessantly talking about Jackie Blue and then, Joachim as Jackie Blue. I hope you have a strong stomach. Watching a gay man in very bad drag as he slurs and stumbles around in 7-inch platforms and has facial hair is not my idea of "fabulous".

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