Monday, December 10, 2007

Men Who Think They Are God's Gift to Women

How funny is it that these men are usually the opposite of gifts to women? They’re more like scorns in our sides; they’re total jerks with egos the size of Texas. And, they’re everywhere! You see them on the subway, wearing sunglasses and listening to their iPods; hanging out in bars with a group of jackasses, usually clad in your typical “man about town” blue button down shirts and black slacks; or strutting down the street as if they had “Stayin’ Alive” playing in the background as their personal soundtrack. So, why do we date them? The answer is simple – because they are confident.

In the dating world, confidence goes a long way. Have you ever met a really attractive guy, but he was really shy and seemed unsure of himself? You probably have; and were you attracted to him? Probably not. Shy and unsure is not appealing. Some women like it; but on the whole, women want somebody who is outgoing and dominant. One of my girlfriends dated a really attractive guy. He was smart, funny, but he was introverted. She said they would hang out, and he would just sit there. He had very little to say. He seemed nervous and almost scared that he was around a girl. She thought it was cute for a while, and then she realized she needed somebody with whom she could interact, not a mannequin who would just sit around and look pretty.

There’s nothing sexier than a confident man. He may be unattractive, not very bright, and bad in bed; but he probably has a ton of women who want to date him because he knows who he is. He’s not afraid of anything that comes his way. He knows what he wants out of life. Just look at the male seminars for “The Mystery Method” or the book, “The Game” – they teach men how to be confident and dominant to attract the opposite sex.

I have dated several extremely confident men, and the majority of them had very little going for them. However, they were so sure of themselves that I was fooled into thinking they were great individuals; they weren’t. Cockiness hides many flaws. Be wary of the man who thinks he is a gift from God; he’s most likely a narcissistic jerk trying to hide his true self.


Lone Chatelaine said...

Hi! I found your blog from the listings on my blogrush widget.

Just had to say that I agree with you. I totally want a confident man, however I will not tolerate a jerk.

Guess that's why I'm alone, huh. ;-)

Anyway, I also wanted to say that I wish it worked the same way for women. I wish that just puttig on a confident face would make up for any imperfections that a man may see in us, you know, the physical imperfections. But for some reason, females seem a lot more willing to overlook those imperfections in a man, but men are not so willing to do that with women. Men will put up with character flaws in a female as long as she looks a certain way.

At least that's what I've found.

Just wanted to say I found your blog, and that I'll check back time to time. I like your thoughts :)

Colette said...

I think a confident woman is very sexy, and the guy who doesn't recognize that is an idiot! ;-)There are definitely men out there who only care about a woman's looks, but there are also men out there who are looking for an independent, strong woman who knows who she is and what she wants. They're not easy to find, but they're definitely out there.

Thanks for the comments! Feel free to stop by anytime.