Friday, May 30, 2008

This Pissed Me Off

Today at work as I was walking to the printer, a fellow co-worker called my name from a few feet away to alert me that my blouse had ridden up on the side. Who cares?? It's not as if my ass was hanging out of my pants or a nipple was exposed. Relax. At first, when I heard her say my name, I ignored her because she annoys me anyway. Then, she said my name even louder and motioned to me that I was exposing two inches of skin. I pulled it down, and gave her a sarcastic thanks. I wanted to pull my shirt up and tie it in the front, so I was exposing my midriff and then prance past her desk, but I thought that might be inappropriate. It's not as if my fly was down. It was just a love handle peeking out. Big freaking deal. Ugh, I hate people sometimes.

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