Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I talked to a guy on the bus. I never do that. But today, I made an effort. He was adorable. I told him I liked his watch. We chatted for a short time, and then we had to get off at our stop. He was going to visit a friend, and I was heading home. He introduced himself and told me where he worked, and he asked me where I worked and my name. It's all a blur. He was so cute that my mind raced the whole time. I didn't even listen to what he was telling me. I don't remember where he said he worked. We both work downtown though. That's all I know. I was holding my handbag in my right hand, so when I reached out to shake his hand, I extended my left instead of my right. He scolded me in a teasing way: "Don't shake hands with your left. Always give the right." Then, he walked off. Maybe we'll see each other again.

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