Thursday, January 29, 2009

What's Up with Joaquin Phoenix Lately?

Joaquin Phoenix, best known for his roles in Gladiator and Walk the Line, recently told the press that he is retiring from acting and becoming a rap star. Uhhh, say what? He showed up at some Las Vegas nightclub, badly rapped three songs and then left the stage on a high note, by falling off. WTF is up with him?

Some people are saying it's a hoax. Others say it's performance art. And, the rest just think he's finally lost the few marbles that were rattling around in that batshit crazy head of his. Also, isn't it a bit suspect that his brother-in-law, Casey Affleck, is filming a documentary about his descent into the rap world?

For a moment, can we all please reflect on the Joaquin Phoenix we all know and love: the hottie with a little bit of edge and that sexy scar over his lip, (even though we all know it's a hare lip scar), despite him vehemently denying it.

Inventing the Abbotts (1997)

Quills (2000)

Walk the Line (2005)

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