Thursday, January 29, 2009

Turn Me On: How to Attract Men

I just ordered this book online last night, and I can't wait to read it. It's gotten great reviews. I'm curious to hear from a guy's point of view what exactly guys find attractive. I'm rusty at meeting men, and I'm clueless at this stage in the game what really attracts a guy. There, I said it. I have zero game. I see a cute guy on the T, and he looks over at me, and I freeze up and turn away. I'm the worst at this type of thing. I'm good at giving dating/relationship advice, but when it comes to myself, I'm useless! It's a miracle that I've met as many men as I have, by being so inept at flirting and getting a man's attention.

Does anybody else have this problem? Or, am I the only loser out there who can't make eye contact or smile at a guy!

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