Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving!

I'm very excited that it's Tuesday night, and I am leaving work early tomorrow to start my holiday. I love Thanksgiving. It's such a relaxing day to hang out with your loved ones and eat. This year will be my boyfriend's and my first Thanksgiving together. We are going up to his mother's house tomorrow night and staying over. Then, in the morning we will awaken to delicious smells as his family prepares scrumptious dishes for a big Thanksgiving feast. I love that my boyfriend and I like spending time with each other's family. I love his family, and he loves mine. Family is so important to me, and I know it's important to him. And, Thanksgiving is all about family. It's one day to share a wonderful meal and reconnect as a family. I haven't seen my boyfriend's family in some time, but I'm looking forward to seeing them again. I know, my mom would've liked for me to be at Thanksgiving dinner this year, but she understands. She's happy that I've found a great guy with an awesome family; sometimes that's hard to find. I think many times people disconnect from their family because they get caught up in their lives. However, they forget that the simple things in life can bring the most happiness: sitting on the couch with your loved ones watching the Macy's Day Parade; helping with the candied yams; playing with the pets; eating a mouthwatering turkey with all the fixins; or just cuddling with your favorite guy as you both fall into a food coma. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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